Friday, July 3, 2009

Playing Catch Up

Ok so I have had several of these blog things sent my way, and just never have anytime to finish them. Well today, for the first time in a year, Alexa has laid down to take a nap! So I decided to take a few minutes to post my responses because I told Megs I was going to do this over a week ago. Sorry Megs everything takes me a little longer!

Instructions: "With as much creativity as you can muster, show your heart in:
*a picture *a poem *a song
*a phrase or quote *an item of clothing*a place *and (just for fun) a Disney princess

Favorite Pictures
I love this family photo!
Alexa loves her cousin Payton so much, and it was so cute see he try to make her feel better.

Favorite Item Of Clothing
Victoria Secret boyfriend sweats. These may be the most comfortable sweat pants ever made, and I am and expert when it comes to sweat pants.
I also have a slight obsession with scarves, so I had to include them on my list.

Dream Vacation
If I could pick anywhere to go on a dream vacation, it would be Santorini Greece.

Favorite Disney Princess
Mulan may be one of the most underrated Disney princess, but she is by far the best!

Favorite Poem:
I had to go with a quote that I LOVE!!! I have heard it several times, and it has really stuck with me.

To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world

Favorite Songs:

Ok I know that I am supposed to pick one song, but that is just not possible. So I have decided that I will not list all of my favorite songs, but I will list each of the songs on my favorite playlist (it may be cheating but I could see no other way around this problem).
Take On Me –Reel Big Fish
Tiny Dance- Elton John
Perfect Situation- Weezer
Ain’t That Love- Ray Charles
Imagine- John Lennon
What A Wonderful World- Ron Stewart
Make You Feel My Love- Bob Dylan
Crush- Dave Matthews
You Shook Me All Night Long- AC/DC
Always –Blink 182

6 Uninteresting Things About Me!
1.) The Color Red- I am slightly obsessed with the color red, and because of this obsession I have trouble decorating my house. If you come over to visit you will be able to see first hand how boring I am! I am working on branching out and forcing myself to buy other colors.
2.) I bite my fingernails. It is not something that I like to admit because I know how disgusting it is. I have tried several times to break the habit, but no luck so far.
3.) Every time I go to the grocery store I always think I need to buy eggs. If you were to take a look in there now, there would be at least three cartons waiting patiently to be used. Side note, we are having breakfast for dinner, so a few lucky eggs will be getting their chance to shine!
4.) I love to read! I like to read a little to much, I have been trying to cut back and spend more time with actual PEOPLE
5.) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE bad action movies. It is something that Nick teases me about but I can’t help it. I mean I can’t be the only person who likes the Transporter series!

6.)I can’t not stand when people touch my neck, it may be the worst feeling ever. It is even hard to get my hair cut, because I know she is going to have to touch my neck at some point. It has also proven to be a weakness. Whenever Nick needs feels like dishing out a little pay back, he going STRAIGHT for my neck

1 comment:

laurice. said...

I'm right there with you on the scarves! Love them...can't get enough.